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diy milkglass centerpieces.

for starters -- happy FRIDAY, friends!
i'm all for inexpensive centerpieces. but a DIY, VINTAGE centerpiece? 
i am SO in love with the faux milkglasses i found on ruffled. their simple, delicate look would mesh with anything and everything.
what to do:

un: use rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball or paper towel to remove sticky residue from the vases. then wash vases with soap and dry completely.

deux:  lay down paper on your spraying surface in a well-ventilated area. shake spray paint for 1-2 minutes before spraying. shake between sprays as well. wearing gloves, work from side to side spraying vases with spray paint. don’t get too close to the vase to avoid drips/runs. (no need to spray paint the inside of the vases, just do the tops; spraying the inside then using them for flowers with water will cause the inside paint to flake off).

trois: rotate vase until covered, let dry a few minutes before adding a second coat. let dry completely.

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