omg. what. a. day. first of all, it was like a bajillion degrees out. i was having flashbacks of the outback. but i can honestly say eren + catherine couldn’t care less. catherine was super smiley and giggled whenever she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. eren + his groomsmen just wiped down with hankies + sipped from their beer steins -- the lid, they explained, kept the bugs from stealing their booze (the mark of a true irishman.)
the ceremony was gorgeous -- and complete with BAGPIPES. i know.
their intro was to social d’s “ring of fire” -- how cool is that? the reception was a blur of dropkick murphy’s, a rubber shark (you heard me), and a couple spilled drinks (which were promptly mopped up by a dancing guest.)
seriously guys -- you were an absolute delight to photograph. we loooooved sharing this day with you! you even got to witness a few of jon’s sweet moves -- which usually only occurs after a stiff drink...but i guess he was feeling saucy. who am i kidding? he’s always feeling saucy. thanks for being awesome, mr. + mrs. fry! shark attack.
wedding planner: spring street weddings, katie peeler
music: dj brennan sullivan

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